Board of Appeals

The Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial City Board consisting of 7 members (and 2 alternates) who are legal residents of the City of Gardiner. Appointments to the Board are made by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council.

The powers and duties of the Board of Appeals are:

Administrative Appeals:

Where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Code Enforcement Officer in the enforcement of Gardiner Ordinances and Building Codes.

Variance Appeals:

The Board of Appeals shall hear and decide in specific cases where a property owner requests a relaxation of the terms of the Ordinances.


When: 4th Tuesday of each month, or as needed

Where: Gardiner City Hall

Time: 6:00pm

Board Members:

Name Title Term Expiration
Vacant Chair  
Glen Glazier Member 8/1/25
Ted Potter Member 8/1/25
Guy Ferris Member 8/1/25
Kevin Sullivan Member 8/1/25
Kristen Poremby Member 8/1/25
Doug Baston Member 8/1/25