Economic & Community Development Committee


When: 2nd Tuesday of each month
Time: 6:00pm
Location: City Council Chambers


The Economic and Community Development Committee is authorized to advise and work with City staff and consultants regarding:

  • Economic and community development projects and real estate transitions
  • Marketing projects and use of marketing funds
  • Policies related to economic and community development and recommend such policies, orders, or ordinances to the City Council that it deems will further the City's economic development goals.
  • Reviewing grant opportunities for economic and community development
  • Reviewing applications to any funding programs established by the City, such as the former City’s Revolving Loan Fund and make recommendations for or against funding applicants to the City Council.
  • Serving as ambassadors for Gardiner to existing business and potential new businesses looking to locate or expand in Gardiner
  • Committee Members
  • And other duties that City Council deems necessary for economic and community development assistance in Gardiner
Name Title Term Expiration
Debby Willis Acting Chair  
Carrie Arsenault Member 11/30/2026
Doug Baston Member 11/30/2026
 Chris Leake Member 11/30/2026
Tamara Whitmore Member 11/302026
Shawn Dolley Councilor 12/31/2026
 Patricia Hart Mayor 12/31/2027