Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission is responsible for reviewing development proposals within the City's Historic District.
A Historic Preservation Commission shall be established consisting of 7 members and 2 alternate members, who shall be residents of Gardiner. An alternate member shall become a voting member when so designated by the Commission Chairperson due to the absence of a primary member. Members of the Commission shall demonstrate an interest in the historical and architectural development of the city and shall be appointed with due regard to the proper representation of such fields as history, architectural history, architecture, landscape architecture, planning, engineering, archeology, law and building construction to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Consideration shall also be given to appointment of at least one member who is a resident of a designated historic district.
When: 3rd Tuesday as needed
Where: City Council Chambers
Time: 9:00 am
Meetings are live streamed as they happen and recordings are archived on the city's website.
Commission Members
Members shall be appointed by the Mayor for a term of 3 years, except that the initial appointments shall be staggered so that subsequent appointments shall not recur at the same time.
Name |
Title |
Term Expiration
Kris McNeill |
Code Enforcement Officer |
Alt 1 |
Vacant |
Alt 2 |
Geri Doyle |
Member 1 - Chair |
6/30/2025 |
Clare Marron |
Member 2 |
6/30/2025 |
Robert Abbey |
Member 3 |
6/30/2025 |
Janet Slade |
Member 5 |
6/30/2026 |
Brenda Harvey |
Member 6 |
6/30/2024 |
Deborah Felder |
Member 7 |
6/30/2025 |