Solid Waste & Recycling Advisory Committee

The Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee's purpose is to support and assist the Gardiner City Council in its efforts to improve recycling and solid waste in our community.

The committee intends to:

  • On behalf of the city, participate in exploring improved recycling on a cooperative, regional basis; explore the possibility of a transfer station and/or recycling center in the city, along with other options
  • Develop and implement an education campaign about the importance of improving recycling in Gardiner and the options available
  • Explore options for solid waste disposal in Gardiner, including an alternative to Hatch Hill
  • Provide periodic progress reports to the City Council
  • Keep residents and businesses informed

The Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee encourages all Gardiner residents who have an interest in improved recycling to participate in the committee's efforts.

Trash & Recycling Resources


When: 4th Monday of each month

Where: City Council Chambers

Time: 4:30pm

Meetings, Minutes & Agendas

Committee Members:

Name Title Term Expiration
Judith Dorsey Chair  
Vanessa Berry Member  
Marc Cone Councilor  
Greg Rand Member  
Nancy Rines Member  
John Cameron Public Works Director  
Kathleen Brown Member