Council Members

The City of Gardiner's governing body consists of one City Councilor from each of the voting districts(PDF, 790KB), 3 At-Large City Councilor’s and a Mayor.

The City Manager reports to the City Council. City staff report to the City Manager or their individual Department Director.

The City Council usually meets twice monthly on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm in the council chambers at City Hall. Meetings are also live streamed and archived on the City's website. 

City Council Members

City Council Mission Statement

March 7, 2007

The City of Gardiner will provide high quality services with a strong emphasis on efficiency, while fostering a vibrant community committed to strong social, economic and democratic ideals, in which people are proud to live and work. The values we apply to this important work are:

  • A dedication to public service
  • A commitment to an openness and transparency in local government
  • A pledge to deliver cost-effective services
  • A promise to value and preserve community assets of natural, cultural and social importance
  • A resolution as stewards of public resources to apply only the highest of ethical and leadership ideals in decision making.

Best Practices for Successful Council Governance

Adopted June 1997 Revised and Reaffirmed March 2007

  • We work as a team, communicate with each other respectfully in an open, appropriate forum, have a good flow of information back and forth, make decisions based on identified common goal(s), and make every effort to understand the different roles of each group.
  • We agree that the City Manager is the administrator for all operational activities, Department Heads and personnel, and that this is not an appropriate role for Councilors.
  • We agree that Councilors pass citizen or personal complaints through the Manager rather than taking them directly to Department Heads.
  • We agree that Department Heads take to the Manager any complaints or issues which may generate publicity or legal problems; other simpler matters they will deal with directly.
  • We agree that in situations where any citizen could get an answer to a question from a Department Head, it is OK for a Councilor to ask it directly to a Department Head; otherwise questions go to the Manager; Department Heads will respond only as they would to a private citizen.
  • We agree to work as a team on the implementation of long term plans/issues.

Council Members

Name/Email Seat (Term Expiration) Contact
Patricia Hart Mayor (1/2027) 34 High Holborn St.
(207) 582-4119
Debra Kimball District 1 (1/2027)
Veronica Babcock District 2 (1/2026) 96 West St
(207) 441-2059
Shawn Dolley District 3 (1/2026) 17 Lincoln Ave
Gay Grant District 4 (1/2026) 77 Riverview Dr.
(207) 582-5882
Russell Greenleaf At-Large (1/2027) 128 Cobbossee Ave.
(207) 242-6481
Marc Cone At-Large (1/2027)
Timothy Cusick At-Large (1/2027) 43 Old Brunswick Rd, Apt #1
(207) 485-1689