Code Enforcement

Overseeing Gardiner land use law and regulations

The Code Enforcement Office provides services that guide the physical development of Gardiner toward the achievement of community goals. These services include, but are not limited to, permits, inspections, and enforcement.

The Code Enforcement Officer performs many functions, including but not limited to: Building Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, Land Use/Shoreland Zoning Officer, Health Officer, E-911 Addressing Officer and Tree Warden.

Codes, Statutes & Ordinances Used

Partial list of Code, Statute and Ordinances currently administered by the Code Enforcement Division:

  • International Building Code (IBC) 2015 Multi-Family Dwellings and Commercial Buildings
  • International Residential Code (IRC) 2015 One and Two Family Dwellings
  • Gardiner Land Use Ordinance (including Shoreland Zoning, Floodplain, Sludge, Subdivision & Historic Preservation) 2010 and subsequent amendments
  • Portions of Gardiner City Code including Water & Sewer Ordinances
  • Maine State Statute primarily concentrated within the following titles: Title 1, Title 7, Title 12, Title 17, Title 23, Title 30-A, Title 38
  • Maine Oil and Solid Fuel Board Rules
  • Maine Manufactured Housing Rules
  • Handicap Accessibility Guidelines
  • 2015 Uniform Plumbing Code
  • Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal Rules



The purpose of the Code Enforcement Office is to investigate violations relating to health, safety, nuisances, housing, and zoning.

The Code Enforcement Office addresses compliance problems associated with Code, statute and ordinance violations. Enforcement generally involves Building Code, Life Safety, Shoreland Zoning, Zoning Ordinance and City of Gardiner Code violations.

Upon notification of an alleged violation, the Code Enforcement Office determines the necessary actions for resolution. These actions include determining if a warning notice or immediate inspection is needed, and if a State Official or Public Safety should inspect the site.

Enforcement of Plumbing Rules

It is unlawful to install, extend, alter, repair or maintain systems except in conformity of the applicable Maine State Plumbing Rules. If a person is found in violation of the provisions of the Plumbing Code, the Plumbing Inspector is authorized to institute the appropriate proceedings to restrain, correct, or abate violations.


The purpose of the Code Enforcement Office is to work in partnership with the people of Gardiner by providing effective and consistent administration, which includes the following:

  • Issuing permits after review of applications and construction plans for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings and structures.
  • Pre-construction inspections including site conditions, setback verifications, building envelope assessment, vegetative cutting, excavation, high water determination, and drainage.
  • Construction inspections including foundation, structural framing, insulation, disability accessibility, egress, internal plumbing, septic systems, building alteration, swimming pools, signs, site maintenance, retaining walls, and erosion control.
  • Post construction inspections including occupancy permits, site stabilization, health and safety, and handicap accessibility.
  • Enforcement of City of Gardiner Code, Gardiner Land Use Ordinance including Floodplain and Shoreland, Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code (MUBEC), Maine Uniform Plumbing Code, Maine Subsurface Wastewater Disposal (septic system) Rules, State Statutes, and Federal Law. 

Department Head

Kris McNeill

Code Enforcement Officer/Assistant Planner