Use of Certain Fireworks Prohibited
With the exception of those consumer fireworks that were legal in the State of Maine on December 31, 2011, the use of consumer and commercial fireworks within the City of Gardiner is prohibited.
Retail Sale of Certain Consumer and/or Commercial Fireworks Prohibited
With the exception of those consumer fireworks that were legal in the State of Maine on December 31, 2011, the retail sale of all consumer and/or commercial fireworks within the City of Gardiner shall be prohibited.
Possession of Consumer and/or Commercial Fireworks Permitted
Possessing consumer and/or commercial fireworks shall be permitted within the City of Gardiner by any person age 21 or older so long as such possession is in compliance with all applicable State and Federal laws.
Fireworks Displays
The display of consumer and/or commercial fireworks shall only be permitted within the City of Gardiner by a person who has been duly issued a fireworks display permit by the State of Maine pursuant to 8 M.R.S.A. section 227-A. Such displays shall not be permitted prior to 10 a.m. or after 10 p.m., except for on July 4th and December 31st, when displays may occur until midnight, and on January 1st, when displays may occur until 1 a.m.
The City of Gardiner Code(PDF, 1MB) contains complete details on the sale, use, and possession of fireworks.