The Gardiner Landing and Marina - for Power and Sail Boats on the Kennebec
Docks are open in mid-May (pending weather conditions) & Close mid-October
Docking Permits
Permits are issued by the Gardiner Police Department, located at the Public Safety entrance of City Hall, 6 Church Street, Gardiner. The office is open Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm.
- Proof of registration and insurance are required
- Residents must bring proof of residency (driver's license or state ID, current registration or current utility bill)
- Permits must be issued in person and paid for when issued
- Slips are first come first served. Limited number available
- Maximum boat size is 32 feet
- All boats must be removed from the slips by October 15th
- No electrical service is available
Permit Fees:
- Day use: free, no permit required
- Overnight: $30 (one consecutive night only)
- Seasonal Slips: $550 for Gardiner residents, $650 for non-residents
For further information, you may contact the Harbormaster at the Gardiner Police Department at 207-582-5150
For mooring information, contact the Town of Randolph at 207-582-5808
Rob Pekins
207-582-5150 ext. 1344
Administrative Assistant
Tara Merrill
Gardiner Public Safety / City Hall
6 Church Street
Gardiner, ME 04345
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