Gardiner Wastewater provides wastewater treatment for the communities of Gardiner, Farmingdale, and Randolph.
Sewer Billing
The city bills quarterly for sewer usage, based on readings provided to us from the Gardiner Water District.
The flat rate for being hooked into the city sewer is currently $143.10. Included in that fee is 1,200 cubic feet (cf) of water. For every additional 100cf over and above it is an additional $12.64/hcf.
Cellar Floor Drains
Cellar floor drains and sump pumps connected to the sewer system are prohibited by the Sewer Use Ordinance. If you are unsure if you have an illegal drain connection call a licensed plumber to do an evaluation. For further information contact 582-1351.
Sewer Issues
If you are experiencing sewer problems, don't wait!
Call the Gardiner Waste Water Department at (207) 582-1351, if no answer, or on nights, weekends or holidays call (207) 624-7076.
The Waste Water Department with assistance from Gardiner Public Works is responsible for responding to and resolving sewer complaints. The City maintains the sewer mains and house services to the edge of the public right of way or inside a sidewalk if you have one in front of your house.
If the obstruction is between the edge of the public right of way or the inside of the sidewalk and your home, you should contact a plumber and have your line cleaned. If the problem is within the public right of way, the city will clear the obstruction.