Come join the team at the City of Gardiner Police Department so you can experience some brand-new challenges, work alongside some great teammates, and receive the support you deserve from our community!! If you want to give back, if you want to make a difference for those that live, work, and visit Gardiner, if you think you have what it takes to join our progressive police department, come see us and we'll get your hiring process started!
The City of Gardiner offers very competitive pay, with lateral entry commensurate with experience! Under the terms of a new collective bargaining agreement, additional retention bonuses are given to employees upon reaching their milestone years (5, 7, 10, 15, 20) with the City as well. Gardiner PD offers educational and/or military stipends, a yearly clothing allowance, free uniform cleaning, Anthem PPO 2500 employee/family health care, a dental plan option and a Maine State Retirement plan that is 25yrs, no age, 2/3 pay. The City of Gardiner recognizes 12 holidays in which officers received either additional pay or time off. Officers receive 4-hour minimum for court and call-ins and outside, consumer paid details are paid at $70 per hour. Gardiner PD also offers a physical fitness program that is optional for its officers to participate in.
To be considered for this outstanding opportunity, applicants shall be at least 21 years of age (or 20 years of age with 60 college credits) and have a valid Maine driver's license. Candidates that are not fulltime certified must have passed the Maine Criminal Justice Academy ALERT Test, must be able to pass the Maine Criminal Justice Academy's physical agility test and have successfully completed PHASE I training through the Maine Criminal Justice Academy.
The next dates of the ALERT test offered at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy as well as how to obtain the certification for Phase I can be found by visiting
Leading job candidates will undergo an oral board interview, background investigation, polygraph and or psychological testing and a medical exam. **there is a shortened/abbreviated hiring process for in-state and out of state certified officers* *
Those with Maine Criminal Justice Academy Phase Il or Full-Time certification will be given preference.
GPD Application(PDF, 101KB)
Applications may also be obtained via email at Applications are required and must be returned to the Office of the Chief of Police with a cover letter, resume, copy of valid driver's license, and any other documentation that is applicable to your successful candidacy.
Interviews will be conducted on an on-going basis until the multiple positions are filled.
The City of Gardiner is an Equal Opportunity Employer.