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December 18, 2024, 06:30 PM
Regarding A Credit Enhancement Agreement Between the City of Gardiner and P & M Realty, LLC relating to the “Commonwealth Omnibus Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District”
Notice is hereby given that the City of Gardiner will hold a public hearing at its Council Meeting on
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at Gardiner City Hall, 6 Church Street, Gardiner, Maine, The Public Hearing will be at 6:00 p.m.
The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comments on a proposed credit enhancement agreement between the City of Gardiner and P & M Realty, LLC (the “Company”), relating to the development of a portion of property in the District owned by the Company, more specifically identified as a portion of Map 28 Lot 64, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 206 of Title 30-A of the Maine Revised Statues, as amended.
A copy of the relevant materials relating to the proposed District will be on file with the City and a copy can be requested from the City by calling (207) 582-4200 prior to the public hearing and requesting a copy be mailed or emailed to you. Copies of the materials can also be obtained at
All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Public comments will be taken at the hearing and written comments should be submitted to Interim City Manager Denise Brown at