Hunting & Fishing Licenses


Step 1.Visit Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Licensing Service

  • Regular adult trapping licenses may be renewed using this service. First time regular adult trapping license buyers must purchase their license through MDIFW headquarters in Augusta. Both new and renewals for Junior and Apprentice Trapping licenses may be done through this service.

Step 2.What you will need:

  • Licensee Personal information (name, date of birth, contact information)
  • Hunter Safety or Previous Hunting license number for individuals purchasing a hunting license
  • Credit or Debit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover)
  • Printer to print out a copy of your license/permit

Step 3.Who can use this service?

  • Any Resident or Non-Resident Sportsperson looking to hunt, fish, or trap in the State of Maine.

City Hall

Step 1.Visit Gardiner City Hall to purchase a hunting, fishing, or trapping license


Step 2.Hunting Licenses

Adult hunting applicants must show proof of having previously held an adult license to hunt with firearms in any year beginning with 1976 or successful completion of an approved hunter safety course.

Residents must provide proof of residency.

Step 3.Fishing Licenses

Inland Fishing

  • Maine residents 16 years of age and older must purchase a license to fish in inland waters.

Saltwater Fishing