Online payments are for Gardiner sewer bills only. Payments for Gardiner Water District or other towns are not accepted.
Select Gardiner Tax & Sewer Payments in City/Town dropdown box
Select Utility Payment for payment type
Account number, address, and payment amount
Ensure all details are correct
Please fill in the account number and add the bill number in the payment information fields to aid municipal staff in reconciling your payment
Please note, a 2.5% service fee will be added to your payment
This fee is charged by our third-party payment processor, Maine Payport, and does not go to the City. This is the same payment service used at City Hall for all credit and debit card payments.
Sewer bill payments may be made in-person at City Hall, 6 Church Street during normal operating hours. Check, cash, and credit/debit accepted.
For credit/debit card payments a 2.5% service fee will be added
This fee is charged by our third-party payment processor, Maine Payport, and does not go to the City.
Payments may also be deposited anytime into the secure drop box located in front of City Hall.
Mail tax payments to:
City of Gardiner 6 Church St Gardiner, ME 04345
Be sure to include your account number on the check
For accounts with past due balances: payments will be applied to the oldest amount of interest, fees and principal outstanding, in that order, in accordance with Maine State Law.
Trisha PelletierUtility Clerk 207-588-4070