Harrison Avenue Update
Published on October 30, 2024
The City of Gardiner has been working with FEMA since the May 2023 Harrison Avenue slope failure; in fact having it’s first meeting only 10 days after the event, and monthly until December 2023 when the second storm hit requiring us to meet weekly.
Finally, on October 22, 2024 we were notified that FEMA obligated $1,323,137 for this project. Though funds have been obligated, we have not received the money. However, we are moving forward with bidding the project. Construction is anticipated to start in Spring 2025 and to be completed in Summer/Fall 2025.
The City and their engineering consultant, Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc., as well as the selected contractors will strive to minimize the disruption to adjacent property owners; however, there may be short-term disruptions due to increased construction, traffic, and noise.
The completion of this project will reduce environmental risks and help to mitigate future failures.
The City will hold a neighborhood meeting in the spring when work will start.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either of the following individuals:
Denise Brown
Interim City Manager
John Cameron
Gardiner Public Works Director
(207) 582-4408
Thomas Strike, PE
Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc.