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Auto & Recreational Vehicle Registration Whether you're re-registering or registering a new auto, boat or recreational vehicle, find everything you need, from required documents to tips for quick processing. Explore convenient options for online and mail registration.
Birth & Death Records Request certified copies of birth or death certificates in person or by mail. Find out the necessary details and steps to obtain vital records. Explore the process to ensure you have the documentation you need.
General Assistance Struggling with financial challenges? The General Assistance program offers support for basic needs and temporary aid for individuals and families living in Gardiner and South Gardiner. Learn about assistance areas and eligibility.
Marriage Licenses Planning to tie the knot? Discover how to obtain your marriage license effortlessly. Learn about filing intentions, ceremony options, and requesting certified copies of your marriage certificate.
Notary Public Do you need a document notarized? Notary public and dedimus justice services are available at Gardiner City Hall. Availability of services may vary, and appointments may be necessary.