General Assistance

General Assistance helps individuals and families from Gardiner and South Gardiner who are experiencing financial difficulties to meet their basic needs.

The function of General Assistance is to provide temporary assistance to those persons who are residents of Gardiner and South Gardiner and individuals and families who intend to establish residency in Gardiner.

General Assistance is available by appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am - 4:00pm each week.
If you have an emergency outside those hours, please contact 207-530-0178.

What to Bring with You When You Apply for General Assistance

Your General Assistance budget will be based on the 30 day period following the submission of your General Assistance Application(PDF, 481KB). The city will also look back to 30 days before you applied to see what money you received and how you spent it. The City will need to see:

  • Your most recent bills and/or other proof of expenses including: rent/mortgage, heating fuel, electricity, food, medical expenses;
  • Canceled checks, receipts, or other documents that show how you have spent your money and income in the past 30 days;
  • Your driver’s license or other photo identification;
  • Your social security number and the social security number of all members of your household;
  • Work-related expenses;
  • Name and address of your landlord;
  • A doctor’s statement if you are ill, disabled or not able to work;
  • Financial resources: Car/recreational vehicles, real estate holdings.
  • Proof of all household income, including:
    • Wages
    • Cash on hand
    • Income tax refunds
    • Unemployment benefits
    • Child support benefits
    • TANF benefits
    • Social security benefits
    • SSI/SSDI/Disability benefits
    • Checking/Savings
    • Veteran's pensions
    • Rental income
    • Loans
    • Worker's compensation
    • Savings bonds
    • Trust funds/Annuity/Life insurance policies
    • Retirement accounts
    • School loans
    • Assistance from relatives
    • In-kind income
    • Self employment income

Areas of Assistance

A brief summary of possible areas of assistance is noted as follows:

  • CMP disconnect
  • Out of fuel and referrals to agencies for needed repair
  • Rent (does not include security deposit)
  • Food and personal household items
  • Medical prescriptions

Persons need to be mindful that assistance is issued to households when events create a financial hardship due to circumstances beyond the household's control.

All persons in need of assistance must schedule an appointment with the GA Office by calling 207-530-0178, complete an in-depth application, and provide documentation of income and basic need expenditures in accordance with the Municipal Ordinance guidelines.

If verification is not provided at the time of the appointment, the client is given a 24-Hour Delay of Decision, at which time the information must be made available. If the client is unable to respond with the necessary documentation, the request for assistance is denied.

Falsification/Misrepresentation of Information

Falsification/misrepresentation of any requested information and or documentation may result in one or all of the following:

  • 120-Day Disqualified Period - Statewide
  • Fine
  • Imprisonment

Additional Assistance Services