Marriage Licenses

Obtaining A Marriage License

Once the intentions have been filed and the marriage license is signed by the spouses to be, a marriage license is immediately issued to them. The license must be used within 90 days from the date the intentions were filed. The cost of obtaining a marriage license is $40.

How to File Intentions

The first step in filing a marriage license is to have the marriage intentions recorded in writing. Both parties must sign the intentions in front of the Filing Official or a Notary Public, stating they are free to marry. Gardiner City Hall offers notary services. 

You must be 18 years of age to marry without parental consent. If you have been married before and are divorced or widowed, a certified copy of documentation showing how the last marriage ended is required. (*Divorce Decree must have the raised seal from the Court on it)

You only need to file in the town that you live. If intended spouses live in separate towns, you only need to file one copy.

Download the Intention of Marriage Application(PDF, 151KB).

Marriage Ceremony

Do you want to get married at City Hall? The cost is $25. It is preferred that you bring two witnesses of your own, however, you may ask staff to witness. If you want city staff to stand in as witnesses, please call 582-4460 to make an appointment.

Would you like to get married at a City park? Request and submit a special event application(PDF, 284KB) with the City Clerk's office. 

Request a Certified Copy of a Marriage Certificate

Download the Vital Records Request Form(PDF, 37KB) or write a letter including the following information:

  • Full name of both parties
  • Date of Marriage
  • Relationship to the name of the request
  • Genealogist ID # (if applicable)
  • Name and mailing address where we should send the certificate(s)
  • Phone number
  • Number of certified copies you are requesting
  • Original signature of person requesting record
  • Copy of Driver's License, Passport or Government ID or two copies of the following:
    • Utility bills
    • Bank statements
    • Vehicle registration
    • Personal check w/address
    • Previously issued vital record
    • Social security card
    • DD214
    • Pay stub
    • W-2
    • Voter registration card

The fees are $15 for the first copy and $6 for each additional copy. Please make check payable to the City of Gardiner.

Mail letter along with payment to:

City Clerk's Office
6 Church Street
Gardiner, Maine 04345
(207) 582-4460

For Expedited Service, credit card orders may be placed by calling a toll free number 24 hours per day at 1-877-523-2659 or visit VitalChek's website.

***Please note*** Faxed and/or emailed requests are not allowed.